February General Meeting
February 12: We had a productive meeting despite being a small group. Here were some of the decisions made: We will be co-sponsoring an upcoming book talk for Kevin Kumashiro's new book The Seduction of Common Sense: How the Right Has Framed the Debate on America's Schools . It will be located at Tufts University, Department of Education, April 29, 2008 from 6-8pm. More info to come! We will also be helping to outreach the Race and Achievement series that Simmons College organizes. A few of us are going to the education advocates summit being sponsored by AALDEF and being held in New York in April. Information about it has gone out over the MAAEA listserve. We will be moving on building a curriculum resource on Asian American studies that we can eventually submit to the history chair of the Boston Public Schools. If anyone wants to contribute lessons they've used, please contact us: apa.educators@gmail.com. That's it in a nutshell. Our next meeting will be a mid-w...