March 2014 Potluck
Jobs With Justice
3353 Washington St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
1:00 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.
- Introductions + Rose/Thorn/Bud
Overview of MAAEA Background (1980s - present)
- Activities: welcome for superintendent Carol Johnson, symposium, conferences, tabling at New Teachers Institute
- “Golden Age” circa 2004
- Former co-chair structure
2014 Areas of Work
- Outreach + recruitment
- Advocacy + increasing awareness of APIA educator and student challenges
(1 + 2: Cynthia, Jessica, Katie, Tim, Keiko)
- Educator support space (Kristina, Richard, Pam, Joy)
- Curriculum + teaching resources (Go, James, Chris)
The group split into four groups to brainstorm goals, leadership + structure, timeline, and how to measure success for the areas of work.
Other: VietAid, HR event with Dzung/Simone (hiring, new teachers, list of new Asian educators)

Other: Chris BCNC/Red Oak elementary curriculum, student YouTube videos on identity (James),
Next Steps and Upcoming Events
- MAAEA Yahoo Group will be converted to a Google Group (Kristina)
- Post meeting notes to Google Group and MAAEA blog (Kristina)
- Members should post more to Google Group to encourage sharing (All)
- NECN panel on Wednesday, March 26 (Joy will present)
- April Potluck will be on Sunday, April 13, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Jobs With Justice (facilitated by Go and Katie)
- Model Minority Myth Workshop @ Educators for Social Justice Conference May 9-10 (Katie to present with guidance/resource sharing from Jessica & Pam)
- Proposed May 31 APIA Heritage Month event (Cynthia to work with JQS and BCNC re: facilities)