March 2014 Potluck
Jobs With Justice
3353 Washington St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
1:00 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.

  1. Introductions + Rose/Thorn/Bud

Overview of MAAEA Background (1980s - present)
  1. Activities: welcome for superintendent Carol Johnson, symposium, conferences, tabling at New Teachers Institute
  2. “Golden Age” circa 2004
  3. Former co-chair structure

2014 Areas of Work
  1. Outreach + recruitment
  2. Advocacy + increasing awareness of APIA educator and student challenges
(1 + 2: Cynthia, Jessica, Katie, Tim, Keiko)
  1. Educator support space (Kristina, Richard, Pam, Joy)
  2. Curriculum + teaching resources (Go, James, Chris)

The group split into four groups to brainstorm goals, leadership + structure, timeline, and how to measure success for the areas of work.

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Other: VietAid, HR event with Dzung/Simone (hiring, new teachers, list of new Asian educators)photo.JPGphoto 2.JPG
Other: Chris BCNC/Red Oak elementary curriculum, student YouTube videos on identity (James),

Next Steps and Upcoming Events
  1. MAAEA Yahoo Group will be converted to a Google Group (Kristina)
  2. Post meeting notes to Google Group and MAAEA blog (Kristina)
  3. Members should post more to Google Group to encourage sharing (All)
  4. NECN panel on Wednesday, March 26 (Joy will present)
  5. April Potluck will be on Sunday, April 13, 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Jobs With Justice (facilitated by Go and Katie)
  6. Model Minority Myth Workshop @ Educators for Social Justice Conference May 9-10 (Katie to present with guidance/resource sharing from Jessica & Pam)
  7. Proposed May 31 APIA Heritage Month event (Cynthia to work with JQS and BCNC re: facilities)


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